domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014


Más que la fuerza física, que no es desdeñable, es la fuerza mental la que constituye la diferencia entre hacer y no hacer (y en ese intervalo insistir), entre llegar y no llegar, entre tener y no tener. Esta fuerza mental es lo que nos espolea, lo que nos dice "¡sigue!" aún incluso después de haber trastabillado y caído. La fuerza mental -más otras actitudes, desde luego- es el elemento imprescindible para lograr (e intentar aún en contra de probabilidades) un objetivo a diversos plazos. Desde un paso incipiente hasta los objetivos a largo término. 
En este proceso a distintas fases aparecerán las distracciónes, las críticas y los cuestionamientos añadidos a las convenciones y prejuicios, y lo que es peor: el auto-sabotaje mental. Por esto es necesaria la fuerza mental, para mantenernos enfocados en el objetivo, allways aiming on the target, droit au but; porque, ¿cuántas veces se pierde de vista la siguiente fase o un horizonte -aparentemente- más lejano, por algún comentario, situación o desavenencia? Muchas veces. La fuerza mental es el hilo conductor, lo que nos adecua a los cambios súbitos del camino, es un misil Maverick guiado por láser para que al final de la sinuosa trayectoria impactemos en seco contra nuestro objetivo. ¡Y bang baby!

Aún más, esta fuerza mental puede operar los cambios de la interfaz interna (que desde luego repercutirá en el exterior), tales como vicios, flojera, postergación, o esos malditos engramas mentales -tan arraigados- que no nos dejan alcanzar lo mejor de nosotros mismos. La fuerza mental no sólo es decir "sí" cuando todos digan que no, es también decir no. Decir "no" y cerrar la puerta para trabajar, o soltar las cuerdas y dejar los puertos de seguridad.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014


Do yo agree with this statement? The most important things in life are not learned at school or college?

I think that just by going to school or college we aren't able to learn the most important things in life. For instance, what is important? Knowledge?, money?, social class?, appreciation? human relationships? I am sure that I could keep writing more, buy I just would add "happiness". Therefore, I deem that just by going to school in order to pursue a higher education will give us just specific skills as literacy or numeracy, and also the concrete knowledge to accomplish the grade or degree.
However, I want to specify that it is by "how we go through" to college that we will have the opportunity to realize what sort of things concern us or are more important. For example, and independently if we sudy in a private or public system, in college we can experience situations involving friendship -human relations-. In this part of life, we will meet a lot of people, and some of them can become really good companions and eventually friendship. Also, in college we should start to acquire responsibility in orden not just to obtain good qualifications but to star to build the discipline necesary to manage our life as soon as we start to work for us, for others, and also take care of ourselves as well.
Another important point is what kind of career do we want to have? A successful one? On the one hand it is considerated that a successful career is the one that will reward us with a lot of money, on the other hand , a successful career can be the one that is meaningful and for instance conduce us to happines. But I think that a really well displayed career will carry us to generate enough resources to grant a sound life. 
Above all, many people argue that to excel the subjects means to have learned a lot. But that is not a fact, because during our professional lifes we will fail in some aspects or we will pass through  unexpected situations that even in college weren't taught to us. 
It might be concluded that not just by going to the college is how me learn things, but in how we assume college -and eventually education- is how we can have a deeper sense really matters to each one.